Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.
Post-modernism is the movement away from Modernism hence “POST” modernism.
It is the belief that apparent realities are only social constructs, as they are subject to change inherent to time and place.
Postmodernism is also portrayed as something new of the New
Postmodernism has been formed in different ways and is used in philosophies such as, literature, social sciences and architecture, and not just the form of art.
It was also a development from Modernism incorporating different cultures
Postmodernism is associated with relativism. Relativism is the idea that “Anything goes”
postmodern is the interpretation of everything; reality only comes into being through our interpretations of what the world means to us individually
Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
“the post-modern artist is ‘reflective ‘ in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, ‘damasking’ pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history, and accelerating the process of self-consciousness.”
Witcombe (2000
3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-Modernity.
I Believe when I look at this grid is that there are many thoughts behind what artist would be thinking paying attention to other artists works also reflecting the work on themselves and things around them using past works symbols etc and incorporating them together This is when the attention to play of surfaces came in and hyper reality was more realistic to reality and was considered normal in society as it grew. For example Ai WeiWei Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola Logo works using a 21st century logo that is recognised all over the world and has put it on a ancient pot this becomes hyper reality by representing the logo in a different way which would develop the idea of icon.
4. Ai Weiwei is a Chinese artist and political activist, who is also active in architecture, curating, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism. He try to used that playful postmodernist to convey the message of how traditional Chinese culture could be blend smoothly in different colorful contrast with the media western culture, which also keeping with the postmodern theme if pop art culture over the high culture. It is actually a normal traditional old urn, but it caught audience attention because of the red colorful bold text ‘coca cola’ makes the urn looks more interesting and convincing. He is expressing his own media perspective, which a lot of postmodern art tends to do. Postmodernist artist by contrast, always seem to be trying to express what they think about society in deep, meaningful, abstract and masterfully.
Aiweiwei is an artist based in china he is also a political activist he is also a very well known post modernism artist as he is involved in architecture, curating, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism. In most of his works he uses western culture influences and his own culture to reflect in his works this would be the idea of using intersexuality which refers another txt by quoting from it or by alluding to it? A good example of this is shown in the wok he made with the urn.
Bansky is a well known artist in the UK for his graffiti and stencil works he shows post modern works through his idea of making something that can be done with no restrictions. In his works he describes the theme of vandalism and war, politics, government oppression and environmental issues in particular his work flower riot is my favourite because it balances the theme of war and beauty or the good and bad it conflicts the idea of what he is trying to portray.
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